Monday, March 26, 2012

End-of-Challenge POTLUCK

This FRIDAY (the 30th) will be the end-of-challenge potluck! It will start at 7:30 pm so people can either come for the 6:30 class and workout before or just show up at 7:30 for some food! The original plan was to bring a dish you discovered over the 6 week challenge, but feel free to bring any dish you would like to share.  I will take care of drinks and we have plenty of plates/cups etc at the gym. Again- please come even if you didn't complete the 6 weeks. We would love some feedback from everyone so as to better plan for future Nutrition challenges. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Home Stretch

Well we've almost made it! Week 6 has begun! We didn't have anyone show up for the check in meeting last week so there wasn't anything to report back:) I have talked to some of you at the gym or heard from you via email and am so happy to hear about people's positive results! I also want to say that even if this challenge hasn't gone quite as you have hoped, we hope that you have all learned something or made changes of some kind in your lives in regards to food.  Food is a completely personal issue for each=of us and making a change in your diet can be a process. We hope that you will continue to try to make the changes that you want to make in your diet even though the challenge is coming to an end.  

So what comes next? We need to plan a date for the potluck!  We would like to see as many of you as possible so I'll throw out a few options and hopefully we can get some feedback.  We could do a weeknight, but it would have to be fairly late in the evening to be out of the way of our classes (probably around 7:30 or 8).  A Saturday late afternoon would be an option or a Sunday night or we could even do Sunday before the noon class and have a lunch potluck, I would like to plan it for sometime next week so please let me know if there are preferences for days and times.  I also want to stress that we want EVERYONE to come! Even if you didn't stay strict on the diet or if you don't think you lost any weight, we just want you there.  This was our first go at a Nutrition Challenge so we want to hear feed back from all of you so we can keep this stuff going.  So-- email me or talk to Amy or I at the gym about Potluck dates and we will try to choose a date by the end of the week.  Hope everyone is doing well! Looking forward to catching up with you all at the potluck.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

4 weeks in!

We thought we would offer a check-in mini meeting this Sunday directly following the noon class at CrossFit Davis.  Please let us know if you would like to attend or just show up! We can talk about anything that people are struggling with or just swap stories with how everything is going. At that point we will have 2 weeks to go and we can work on picking a date for the End of Challenge Potluck! Hope everyone is doing well and we look forward to seeing anyone who can make it on Sunday! 

Also here are two more recipes for some inspiration!

The first comes recommended by Andrea:
Eggs nested in chard and mushrooms

The next two are from Beth:

Swiss chard pesto! It's great on eggs, salmon, or chicken!

Spaghetti squash w/ sausage, kale, and sun dried tomatoes (swap out the wine in the recipe and can get rid of cheeses if you are reducing your dairy):

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Robb Wolf video

Here is a Q&A video with Robb Wolf. He answers a lot of common questions people have about the Paleo diet: "What about cholesterol?" and "Cavemen didn't live very long, why would I want to eat like them?" Check it out!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Gary Taubes video

Here's a video where Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories, talks to Crossfit trainers on how to eat.